Chapter I. General provisions
1. The Edward Dwurnik Foundation, hereinafter referred to as “Foundation,” operates in accordance with the Act of 6 April 1984 on Foundations (Journal of Laws of 2016, item 40) and the provisions of this Statute.
2. The Foundation was established by Apolonia Dwurnik, hereinafter referred to as “Foundress,” established based on the declaration on the establishment of the Foundation expressed in the notarial deed Repertory A number 1520/2019 prepared by notary Ewa Czekała, leading a Notary Public Office in Warsaw at ul. Hoża 55, office 11.
1. The seat of the Foundation is Warsaw.
2. The Foundation time of operations is indefinite.
3. The Foundation’s area of operations is the entire territory of the Republic of Poland, but to the extent necessary for the proper implementation of its objectives, the Foundation may also operate outside the borders of the Republic of Poland.
1. The Foundation has legal personality.
2. The Minister responsible for the Foundation’s objectives is the Minister responsible for culture.
For the achievement of its statutory objectives, the Foundation may establish plants, branches, and subsidiaries, but also join other legal entities or organizational units that implement tasks identical or related to those of the Foundation.
The Foundation may use a seal with the address and name of the Foundation and use a distinctive graphic sign.
The Foundation may establish certificates and badges and grant them together with other prizes and awards to natural and legal persons of merit to the Foundation, who contribute to the achievement of the Foundation’s objectives.
Chapter II. Objectives and Rules of the Foundation’s Operations
The Foundation pursues the following objectives:
- We care for and preserve Edward Dwurnik’s artistic legacy by spreading knowledge about him and his work.
- We promote culture and art in Poland and around the world.
- We initiate and support educational activities in art and culture, with particular emphasis on Edward Dwurnik’s oeuvre.
- We initiate and support artistic projects through archiving, digitization, protection, storage, and sharing our collections.
- We support the intellectual, cultural, and professional development of children and youth.
- We support the intellectual, cultural, and professional development of professional and non-professional artists in Poland and around the world.
- We support activities for overcoming social barriers and integrating professional and non-professional artists and culture activists challenged by disabilities or marginalisation and other social problems.
The Foundation pursues its objectives through:
1. care and protection of Edward Dwurnik’s artworks, their storage, cataloguing, documentation, and archiving;
2. protection of Edward Dwurnik’s legacy against forgeries and unlawful use of his name and artistic works for various purposes;
3. expertize of artworks attributed to Edward Dwurnik;
4. organization, co-organization, financing, and co-financing of art exhibitions in Poland and around the world;
5. organization, co-organization, financing, and co-financing of other activities in the field of culture and visual arts, including untypical and non-standard ones;
6. publishing;
7. educational and scientific activity;
8. research, especially on the legacy of Edward Dwurnik;
9. promotional and marketing activities;
10. support of research projects in visual arts, especially painting, graphic arts, and drawing.
11. creation and maintenance of a website about the Foundation’s activities and a database of works by Edward Dwurnik that will also be available on the Internet;
12. organization, co-organization, funding, and co-financing of residencies, scholarships, and awards for children, youth, students, professional and non-professional artists, and people involved in the research, promotion, and support of art;
13. organization, co-organization, financing, and co-financing of conferences, seminars, symposia, competitions, and other events related to art and the protection of cultural assets in Poland and around the world;
14. participation in national and international events that promote Polish culture and art;
15. initiation of activities that support the building of partnerships in the field of cultural and artistic exchange, but also artists’ mobility for the implementation of their own and joint artistic projects;
16. creation of artwork collections;
17. sponsorship of events related to culture, in particular, Edward Dwurnik’s artworks;
18. cooperation with state and local government institutions and non-governmental organizations that actively promote artistic education, culture, and art, especially the art of Edward Dwurnik;
19. cooperation with foreign institutions and organisations in the promotion, strengthening, and propagation of Polish art and international exchange.
All statutory activities will be financed entirely by the Foundation.
In the pursuit of its statutory objectives, the Foundation may initiate and join proceedings before judicial and administrative authorities as a social organisation, in the manner and on the terms set out in the applicable laws.
Chapter III. Assets and Income of the Foundation
The assets of the Foundation consist of an initial fund in the amount of PLN 50,000 (fifty thousand zloty) and other property acquired by the Foundation in the course of its activities.
1. The income of the Foundation comes from:
1. donations, inheritances, domestic and foreign bequests;
2. grants and subsidies from legal persons, including aid funds from European funds obtained by the Foundation for the implementation of its objectives;
3. public collections;
4. the Foundation’s assets;
5. property and non-property rights transferred to the Foundation for free or for a fee;
6. budgetary grants from the State Treasury;
7. financial operations;
8. interest and bank deposits;
9. online and non-online auctions;
10. income from business activities conducted by the Foundation.
2. The entirety of income received by the Foundation is allocated exclusively to statutory activities.
3. The Foundation will allocate income from business activities to the implementation of its statutory objectives.
Income from subsidies, donations, bequests and legacies may be used to achieve all the objectives of the Foundation unless the donors have decided otherwise.
1. Should the Foundation receive an inheritance, the Board of the Foundation is obliged to take action to determine the status of the estate.
2. The Board of the Foundation shall submit a declaration of acceptance of the inheritance with the benefit of inventory when – at the time of submitting this declaration – it is probable that the inheritance’s assets exceed its debts.
1. The Foundation may conduct business activities in Poland and abroad, in accordance with the applicable regulations in this regard:
- publishing, in particular the creation of publications related to the work and life of Edward Dwurnik;
- sale and distribution of publications devoted to art, with particular emphasis on presentations and studies of the work and life of Edward Dwurnik
- creation and sale of collectable prints, posters, postcards, stickers and other items related to the popularization of art, with particular emphasis on the work of Edward Dwurnik;
- sale of artworks by Edward Dwurnik;
- sale of other art objects, especially those thematically or formally connected with the person and work of Edward Dwurnik;
- expert opinions aiming to establish the authenticity of Edward Dwurnik’s artworks;
- issuing certificates confirming the authenticity of the works of Edward Dwurnik;
- making available the collections and information from the archives on the life and works of Edward Dwurnik;
- granting licenses to other entities to use the works or parts of works by Edward Dwurnik in publications, press materials, film productions, television productions, theatre productions, the Internet, advertising, and other fields;
- sale of memorabilia of Edward Dwurnik;
- organization and co-organization of art exhibitions, art auctions, cultural events, lectures, symposia, workshops, training, plein-air workshops, artistic residencies, and research trips in Poland and abroad;
- conducting educational and training activities in the field of visual arts, in particular painting and drawing;
- running a warehouse for artworks.
2. The Board may allocate funds from the assets of the Foundation to conduct business activities, if necessary.
3. The Foundation conducts financial management and accounting in accordance with applicable regulations.
Chapter IV. Bodies of the Foundation
The governing body of the Foundation is the Foundation’s Management Board, hereinafter named the Board.
The Foundation’s Management Board
1. The Board consists of one to five people, including the President and, in the case of a multi-person Board, the Vice-President.
2. One may serve as a member of the Board for more than one term.
3. The composition of the Board shall be appointed by the Foundress.
4. The Foundress may be appointed to the Board.
5. After the appointment of the first composition of the Board, the Board selects the President and Vice-President.
6. In the event of the Foundress’s death, new members of the Board shall be appointed by the President of the Board. In the event the Foundress holds the position of the President of the Board at the time of her death, the new President of the Board shall be appointed from among themselves by the remaining members of the Board.
7. Membership in the Board shall cease as a result of:
- submission of a written resignation;
- expiration of the Board’s term of office;
- loss of civil rights as a result of conviction for an intentional crime by a final court judgement;
- death of the Board’s member.
8. The term of office of the Board is five years.
1. The Board represents the Foundation and manages its activities.
2. The authority of the Board includes:
- management of the Foundation’s current activities;
- realization of statutory aims;
- allocation of funds for the implementation of the Foundation’s objectives and the use of funds in accordance with the Statute;
- keeping accounts in accordance with the applicable regulations ;
- preparation of work plans and budgets;
- administration of the Foundation’s assets;
- accepting donations, inheritances, bequests, and other gifts made to the Foundation;
- hiring employees and performing towards them the duties and rights of an employer;
- undertaking business activities;
- determining the amount of financial resources allocated for the conduct of the Foundation’s business activities.
1. Members of the Board may be employed by the Foundation.
2. Members of the Board may be entitled to remuneration for performing their functions.
1. Board meetings are held as needed but not less frequently than once a quarter.
2. Meetings of the Board are convened by the President, who informs the rest of the Board members at least three days before the scheduled meeting.
3. All Board members must be informed about the Board’s meeting.
4. The Board makes decisions by resolutions with a simple majority of votes in the presence of all Board members. In the case of an equal number of votes “for” and “against,” the President shall have the prevailing vote.
Chapter V. Manner of Representation and Contracting Liabilities
The person authorised to make declarations of will on behalf of the Foundation, including financial matters, is the President, in the case of a one-person Board, and each Board member, in the case of a multi-person Board acting individually.
Chapter VI. Financial Management of the Foundation
1. The Foundation shall allocate all its income to the achievement of its statutory objectives.
2. The Foundation’s financial statements are approved by the Foundress.
Chapter VII. Final Provisions
1. The Board can modify the Foundation’s Statute by an absolute majority vote in the presence of all Board members.
2. A modification may concern the objectives set out in the founding act.
1. The Foundation may merge with another foundation for the effective implementation of its objectives.
2. Merger with another Foundation cannot happen if the result could significantly change the purpose of the Foundation.
1. The Foundation shall be liquidated in the event of achieving the objectives for which it was established or when its financial resources and assets have been exhausted.
2. The decision to liquidate the Foundation shall be made by the Foundress or, after the death of the Foundress, by the Board.
3. The liquidator is to be appointed by the Foundress or, after the death of the Foundress, the Board.
4. The liquidator(s) shall notify the Minister responsible for culture about the liquidation of the Foundation.
5. The funds and assets remaining after the Foundation’s liquidation may be allocated by the Foundress’s decision to organizations operating in Poland with similar objectives.
1. The provisions of the Act of 6 April 1984 on Foundations and the Act of 24 April 2003 on Activities of Public Interest and Voluntary Work shall apply to any matters not regulated by this Statute.
2. The Statute comes into force upon the date of the Foundation’s registration by the District Court for the Capital City of Warsaw.
3. The Statute has been drawn up in four identical copies
The Foundation’s Collection
One of the first decisions made by Apolonia Dwurnik after her father’s passing was to create a collection of Edward Dwurnik’s works that would include all the currents and motifs present in his oeuvre so that they could be accessible to scholars of his work.
The Edward Dwurnik Foundation’s collection is still in the making but it already includes almost eighty objects. Its core consists of paintings and drawings that Apolonia Dwurnik received from her father during his lifetime, works donated to the Foundation by Teresa Gierzyńska-Dwurnik from her collection, and some works inherited by Apolonia Dwurnik from her father in 2018.
It is a very ambitious plan to build a collection that would show the entire creative path of Edward Dwurnik, the wealth of themes and artistic solutions he used, and all the historical and political themes of his art. For this reason, the Foundation willingly acquires Dwurnik’s artworks from private owners. The works can be donated to the Foundation, thus preventing them from finding their way onto the market. In return, the Foundation can include the donors on the official list of Edward Dwurnik Foundation Collection Donors.
Another way of supporting the Collection is to offer the Foundation the possibility of purchasing Edward Dwurnik’s works at a preferential price.
We invite all those who can and would like to contribute to the Edward Dwurnik Foundation Collection to contact us.